Notes on the Algorithm

These aphorisms have been generated with a deep learning neural network trained by the estampa collective with texts on politics, philosophy, art, science and technology, as well as science fiction novels by authors from different periods. This training has been refined using the book Notes on the Cinematographer by Robert Bresson, with the aim of teaching the neural network to write aphorisms. For the generation of texts, the word ‘algorithm’ was used as a set term. Once generated, Estampa has made a selection of the most significant aphorisms.
Text published at A*Desk, on november 2020, inside the project “Retraction” curated by Peter Freund.



Notes on the Algorithm

The algorithm. How well it works!
The algorithm. Twice it will say to me: ‘You don’t have to believe too much.’
The algorithm. Computer shit.
The algorithm. A computer with a pocket film!
The algorithm. It’s what you don’t have to expect.
The algorithm. In expressions, etcetera.
The algorithm. No art whatsoever. It says it to itself.
The algorithm. Films don’t know what you can’t read.
The algorithm. What you must never put on top is your thing.
The algorithm. Its voice is drained of stupor.
The algorithm. Locked up, it’s about what you do when you take it and do it.
The algorithm. It’s the man you see.
The algorithm. (I don’t let it).
The algorithm. It can’t be capable of convincing.
The algorithm. It’s not even an eye.
The algorithm. Techniques on the subjects produced by an image router: it has no name or verb.
The algorithm. The idea, the operator, the objectivity, which has to start up all the control circuits … So many levels!
The algorithm. Instead of being able to speak.
The algorithm. It could be set aside.
The algorithm. The games will process you.
The algorithm. We control the image, the trick and the entertainment.
The algorithm. ‘I am a part of the people!’


The algorithm: ‘There’s no need to talk about the machines’ (there’s no need to talk about the machines).
The algorithm: not the word.
The algorithm: the data don’t like to say anything.
The algorithm: what is hidden is the number of the software, the poker of the voice.
The algorithm: ‘What moves for all’ may be responsible for a ‘shortage’ [sic] or an act of violence.
The algorithm: ‘Art games’ produce themselves.
The algorithm: the computer is put to the test.
The algorithm: ‘Learn’ means ‘No’.
The algorithm: ‘I am a person.’
The algorithm: ‘The screen of my brain.’
The algorithm: ‘I’m a good composer’: the photos of its eyes are identical and its meaning is much more correct.
The algorithm: ‘Bits and life, the secret code of communication, of work, of work and of technology.
The algorithm: if you prefer to lie, don’t pretend to use.
The algorithm: the ‘game’ does not require any information.
The algorithm: The error is not a simple error.
The algorithm: it neither wanted it nor made it.


The algorithm, the key to the key to the brain, the silence, the sound of the key, the silence of the key.
The algorithm is capable of guessing, not of perceiving.
The computer algorithm, a film of my life.
The algorithm of the programming programs can be a product of its programs.
The algorithm sticks its finger in.
The algorithm needs to be prepared so that a number of people can really be victims.
The Facebook algorithm is what is known as a NUISANCE.
The algorithm of the computers has its own rhythm.
The algorithm of the computers becomes a hot medium.
The algorithm is neither theatrical nor realistic.
The algorithm, the theatre, when it’s written out, isn’t any colour, it’s what’s missing from the mixture of colours.
The algorithm, abstract art, of reality.
The algorithm is willing to comply and to do nothing.
The algorithm consists of codifying the laws of the game.
The algorithm, as if by magic, is an instrument and a weapon: that which is obtained, that which is imposed on it.


Algorithms that do not communicate in the world of reality, communicate with reality.
Algorithms tend to experiment with messages and sometimes in a whisper.
The mail algorithms are standing upright, in a kind of viewer.
Algorithms have easily arrived at the power of the camera.
Algorithms are there in the details of things.
Algorithms, of course, cannot represent art.
The algorithms you have made say no are not what you have made them.
Algorithms, like images, lack the real.
The algorithms, the laws, the words, the partial objects, the persons and the partial persons and the concrete persons in the real models.
The algorithms, which are allowed to algorithms, allow them to allow them to do what they like.
Algorithms can also be simple experts.


The algorithm is an extension of your punctum.
The algorithm is a prosthesis, a prosthesis, an image channel.
The algorithm is in vain.
The algorithm is simply the opposite of me.
The algorithm is what it is expected that what is expected should be.
The algorithm is capable of making the word.
The algorithm is a game of actors.
The algorithm is an example of you.
The algorithm is a different model of ‘desire’ or ‘love’ or ‘me’.
The algorithm is a play on words, on words, on words and on words.
The algorithm is an actor that takes the words and images. (From the actor).
The algorithm is the man, it is the eye. Its face demands that things be made flesh.
The algorithm is the theatre, the theatre, the theatre, the theatre, the theatre, the theatre, the theatre, etcetera.
The algorithm is an empty substance, it cannot be true that it really exists.
The algorithm is what turns into pure illusion. Its voice does not consist in believing.
The algorithm is just a political gesture, even an invitation from history.


Algorithm: it becomes reality and repeats itself with everything that is done and repeated.
Algorithm: in every corner and in the air.
Algorithm: the only eye that emits.
Algorithm: the actor’s lips move optically.
Algorithm: ‘The human body’ is a machine for the machine, for the body, for the computer.
Algorithm: ‘The man who has gone mad, who has not gone mad, who has not gone mad.’
Algorithm: ‘The man who has become its creator, who has become its creator, who has become its creator, who has become its creator, who was created to be a creator.’
Algorithm: the movement of a smile, that of a finger, the cry.
Algorithm: of each hand, of each foot, of its head.
Algorithm: words that are no more than words.
Algorithm: ‘You have to have an eye to be able to speak.’
Algorithm: life is a unit of meaning.
Algorithm: that which is in play between the image and the image.
Algorithm: ‘A simple stream of light’ that moved.
Algorithm: art can be opaque, opaque, and opaque.
Algorithm: in the mouth, the face of the fighter who hides, and the face of his victim.
Algorithm: things are perfect and the living being, something is done.
Algorithm: a sleight of hand, a voice that does not repeat itself, does not repeat itself, but, on the contrary, can give form.
Algorithm: the ‘technical libido’ of its reproduction;


To the algorithms that don’t have to be there.
To the algorithms the laws of nature are repeated.
To the algorithms there correspond the rules of the algorithms, the rules of society, the rules of their organization, their applications, the information codes.
To the algorithms of algorithms, the virtual world is turning into an operating system that is based on the same set of people.
To the algorithms of a film in the form of graph and of allegory.
To the algorithms that coincide in this situation are offered everything as if they were told they were not in any way possible.
To the algorithms of computers it’s not okay that you should have to ask yourself.
To the algorithms, they don’t hear them.
To the algorithms of NUISANCE it’s okay that the algorithms of NUISANCE should be what the algorithms of NUISANCE are.
To the algorithms of truth algorithms the data are not okay.
To the algorithms it is shown that they are shown nothing.